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Event Series Event Series: Bealtaine Festival

Bealtaine Festival

May 1, 2027 - May 31, 2027

Bealtaine Festival

Bealtaine Festival, held annually throughout the month of May, is Ireland’s national celebration of creativity as we age. Named after the ancient Celtic festival marking the beginning of summer, Bealtaine celebrates the arts and creativity of older people through a wide variety of events, including visual arts, theatre, music, dance, literature, and film. The festival is organised by Age & Opportunity and aims to challenge stereotypes around aging, promote active and engaged lifestyles, and highlight the richness of life experience in later years.

Bealtaine Festival embraces the idea that creativity doesn’t diminish with age—it grows. The festival provides a platform for older artists to showcase their work, while also encouraging people of all ages to participate in creative activities. Whether it’s through performances, exhibitions, workshops, or community events, Bealtaine fosters intergenerational connections and offers older people a chance to express themselves in new ways.

The festival’s wide-ranging programme takes place across Ireland in community centres, galleries, theatres, and public spaces. It also includes outreach projects that bring creative experiences to people who may not typically have access to the arts, particularly those in rural areas or care settings.

Here are some social media content ideas to engage your audience on Bealtaine Festival:

  • Share the festival’s event calendar and encourage people to attend local events.
  • Highlight stories of older artists who are participating in the festival.
  • Post about the importance of creativity and its positive impact on aging.
  • Share inspiring quotes or personal stories about creativity in later life.
  • Create a poll asking followers if they or their loved ones have attended the Bealtaine Festival before.
  • Share behind-the-scenes footage of workshops, performances, or creative activities.
  • Post about the significance of intergenerational connections and how creativity brings people together.
  • Highlight any virtual or online events for those who can’t attend in person.
  • Encourage older followers to explore creative activities as a way to express themselves.
  • Share details about community projects or outreach programmes that are part of the festival.

#BealtaineFestival #CreativityInLaterLife #CelebrateAging #AgeAndOpportunity #CreativeAging #OlderArtists #ArtsAndAging #ActiveAging #FestivalOfCreativity #CreativeCommunities #CelebrateAge #Bealtaine2023 #AgingWithCreativity #IntergenerationalConnections #CelebrateOlderPeople #ArtsAndCulture #InspiringCreativity #LifeLongCreativity #CreativeExpression #OlderAndCreative


May 1, 2027
May 31, 2027
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