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Event Series Event Series: Full Moon (Sturgeon)

Full Moon (Sturgeon)

August 17, 2026

Full moon at night with trees silhouetted against a night sky for Full Moon (Sturgeon)

Full Moon (Sturgeon) is the August Full Moon. This celestial event is named after the sturgeon fish, which was abundant during this time of year for Native American tribes living around the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain. Celebrated annually, the Full Moon (Sturgeon) is an opportunity to connect with nature, reflect on personal growth, and partake in traditional and cultural activities associated with the full moon.

The Full Moon (Sturgeon) is one of the many names given to the full moons by various cultures to mark the changing seasons and natural cycles. This particular full moon is significant for its historical ties to fishing communities who relied on the sturgeon as a vital resource. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of nature and the importance of sustainability.

During the Full Moon (Sturgeon), various activities and rituals are practiced to honour this natural phenomenon. These can include moonlit hikes, meditative practices, and communal gatherings to celebrate the beauty and mystery of the full moon. Many people use this time to set intentions, meditate, and reflect on their lives, finding a sense of renewal and connection with the natural world.

To bring the magic of this full moon to your social media, here are some content ideas:

  • Share the history and significance of the Full Moon (Sturgeon).
  • Post a poll asking followers about their favourite full moon activities.
  • Create a photo contest encouraging followers to share pictures of the full moon.
  • Highlight key facts and myths associated with the Sturgeon Moon.
  • Share tips on how to best observe and enjoy the full moon.
  • Post videos of moonlit hikes or gatherings under the full moon.
  • Share infographics on the different names and meanings of full moons throughout the year.
  • Highlight personal stories and testimonials about experiences under the full moon.
  • Encourage followers to share their full moon rituals and practices.
  • Post a guide on how to photograph the full moon effectively.

#FullMoonSturgeon #SturgeonMoon #CelebrateTheMoon #MoonlitNights #FullMoonMagic #NatureConnection #MoonRituals #FullMoonActivities #SturgeonFullMoon #MoonGatherings #MoonMeditation #FullMoonReflection #AugustFullMoon #MoonFacts #MoonPhotography #FullMoonTraditions #MoonMyths #MoonCelebration #SturgeonSeason #MoonObservations #MoonInspiration #MoonlightAdventures #CelestialEvents #LunarCycle #NatureRenewal #MoonLitHikes #FullMoonExperience #MoonCommunity #MoonEnergy #LunarCelebration

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