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International Girls in ICT Day

April 22, 2027

Girl on a computer for International Girls in ICT Day

International Girls in ICT Day takes place on the fourth Thursday in April each year, shining a spotlight on the importance of encouraging and empowering girls and young women to pursue careers in information and communication technology (ICT). It’s a day dedicated to bridging the gender gap in the tech industry and inspiring the next generation of female leaders in STEM fields.

Since its inception, International Girls in ICT Day has served as a platform for raising awareness about the challenges faced by girls and women in accessing ICT education and opportunities. It aims to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a more inclusive and diverse tech workforce for the future.

To ignite enthusiasm and support for International Girls in ICT Day across your social media and digital platforms, here are some content ideas:

  • Share success stories and profiles of women who have made significant contributions to the ICT industry.
  • Highlight organisations and initiatives that are actively promoting girls’ participation in STEM education and careers.
  • Host virtual workshops or webinars led by female tech professionals, covering topics such as coding, cybersecurity, and digital innovation.
  • Showcase innovative projects or inventions created by girls in ICT fields, celebrating their creativity and talent.
  • Encourage followers to mentor or support young girls interested in pursuing ICT careers, offering guidance and resources.

#GirlsInICT #WomenInTech #STEMGirls #EmpowerHer #TechLeaders #DigitalInclusion #GenderEquality #FutureTech #ICTEducation #TechForAll #GirlsWhoCode #WomenInSTEM #TechEmpowerment #InnovationForAll #DiversityInTech #InspireHer #STEMEducation #GirlsInScience #BreakingBarriers #TechTrailblazers #DigitalSkills #GirlPowerInTech #EqualityInTech #TechCareers #SheCanTech #ICTForGirls #DigitalFuture #BuildingThePipeline #TechSavvyGirls #STEMAmbassadors


April 22, 2027
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