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National Limerick Day

May 12, 2028

Two children laughing for National Limerick Day

National Limerick Day, a whimsical celebration of wit and rhyme, tickles our funny bones annually on 12th May. Whether you’re a seasoned wordsmith or simply enjoy a good laugh, this day is dedicated to the playful art of crafting limericks and revelling in their delightful absurdity.

This special day commemorates the birthday of Edward Lear, the masterful poet known for popularizing the limerick form with his collection of “A Book of Nonsense.” With their distinctive rhythm and cheeky humour, limericks have charmed readers for centuries, offering a brief escape into the realm of nonsense and mirth.

To honour National Limerick Day, let’s unleash our creativity and conjure up some jovial content ideas for your social media and digital platforms. Here are a few suggestions to infuse your online presence with a dose of limerick-inspired fun:

  • Challenge your followers to write and share their own limericks, showcasing their wit and wordplay.
  • Share classic limericks by Edward Lear and other poets, accompanied by whimsical illustrations or animations.
  • Host a limerick-writing contest with prizes for the most hilarious, inventive, or outrageous entries.
  • Collaborate with local poets or comedians to create limerick-themed performances or readings, livestreamed for your audience’s enjoyment.

#LimerickDay #NonsenseVerse #LimerickFun #WittyRhymes #LimerickChallenge #LimerickHumor #PoetryPlay #LaughWithLimericks #CreativeVerse #LimerickLove #WordplayWednesday #RhymeTime #SillyPoetry #FunnyLines #LimerickLaughter #VerseVibes #LimerickFrenzy #PoeticJokes #LimerickMagic #AmusingVerse #PoetryParty #LimerickMasterpiece #RhymeAndReason #LimerickVerse #WittyWords #NonsensicalPoetry #LimerickCraze #LaughOutLoudPoetry #LimerickMania #PoetryBanter


May 12, 2028
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