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World Children’s Day

November 20, 2027

Silhouette of 5 children holding hands for World Children's Day

World Children’s Day takes place on the 20th November every year and is a global day of action for children, by children.

It is a day dedicated to promoting the rights and well-being of children worldwide. This day marks the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989, a landmark international treaty that outlines the rights and freedoms of every child.

World Children’s Day aims to raise awareness about the challenges that children face globally and to encourage actions that contribute to their well-being. It provides an opportunity to advocate for children’s rights, promote equal opportunities, and address issues such as education, healthcare, and protection from violence.

Various events, activities, and campaigns are organized on World Children’s Day to engage communities, governments, and organizations in supporting and protecting the rights of children. The day emphasizes the importance of listening to children’s voices and ensuring that their rights are respected, protected, and fulfilled.


November 20, 2027
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